Monday, March 8, 2010

Wmg, 50 original works

It's true! I've finally posted fifty original works on this site. I never thought it would come this far, even if it still isn't much. I've really enjoyed sharing my writing with anyone that has happened to see it. You've my deepest gratitude if you stopped only to look for a moment.

For this one, I tried something I dub "blurbing" it's just a single scene of a character, with nothing more. References are to Through the Looking Glass, Gulliver's Travels, and the story of Tithonus. Short and sweet.

No Alice Here.

She lays her head on the window sill and let's the cold midnight breeze swirl in. Raising her arm across her chest, she grips her shoulder weakly in a self giving hug. Where are the arms meant to wrap me from behind? It's only beautiful when not looking through glass. I'm no Alice; plenty of time. I think I'm a Struldbrugg; Tithonus dusting the rug. Where are you? I'm lost, and the world is all wrong.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You'r cranking out more content than I am. :p
