Monday, May 25, 2009

Ow my head hurts.

I have a wicked headache right now. What's with that? I totally cracked out on Dark Age of Camelot for multiple days in a row. It was wonderful! Right, so classes start back soon, real excited about that. So...totally...excited. I miss Aikido a lot. I haven't trained in a while now and I wonder just how bad I've gotten in the down time. I don't suspect that badly, but who knows?

I long for the days gone past.

There's an unfamiliar face that stares at itself
That wonders why it is and why it looks this way
For it seems with every glance, somethings changed unannounced
And behind this aging facade remains a child longing to play
To recall days since past in youthful ignorance
Of lounged summers, and class filled winters
When we were all still friends, before the splinter
And I think to you, it must be a mystery
The reasons I lament, and dwell upon history
As your separate ways came calling I alone kept touch with each
I stayed the same, the center link.
And I watched you all grow, from child to adult
Somewhere along the way forgetting I too grew up
Though often it seems my journey is at an end
I know the truth: no rest this soon, it's just pretend
So once more, a final time, I think, I send you my love
That upon a day, when you've withered away
I kept the memories alive, and if you'd like I can take you for a ride
With a story or perhaps a rhyme
So that you can remember that magical time
Before you went away
And brought a sadder day.



  1. Sad. Life changes and people drift apart, but I guess the hope is that you find new people eventually and life keeps going. And there are always the memories. Hopefully they are enough for any transitional time.

  2. Grr..repost, didn't go through for some reason last time.

    Anywho, yess..aikido already started back for me.

    Yeah, life changes..I sometimes find myself looking back towards some happier time, wishing I might could slow down time or even go back. There are many things that I would do differently.. but in the end, it just pushes me to focus on the present time and work to make the best out of my remaining time.
