Monday, May 11, 2009


Omg, finals are done and once again I prove to myself what a mediocre student I am. Go me! So I have like 20 days or something like that until my summer classes start (go go Victorian Novels?) Ugh yeah. I think that class starts with Jane Eyre and has six other books, all in a nine week course. It's definitely going to suck and it's not my only one. Ahem, back on topic, 20 days of absolute freedom with no obligations. The smart me says hey take this opportunity to read some of those books you never got around to and the real me says PLAY DARK AGE OF CAMELOT. Yeah we'll see how that turns out. I've written nothing but junk lately, so nothing to post I'm afraid.

Cool quote though,

"Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different."

T.S. Eliot said that one.
