Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Must we write what we know? I've heard it so many times. For a time I probably even believed it. Even now, there may be truth to it, but I don't know. The example I use for this is, however cliched, love. Random thought I had driving home tonight. Oh how often we hear of first loves and the inevitable sorrow they bring, which often results in bad poetry. Pardon me while I meekly raise my hand to join that crowd. And then on the other hand, how often we are able to see inspired words by those truly in love. The passions they feel for one another.

This, I admit, is such an odd thought for me, and yet I crave it for reasons I know not. Of course on the basic level, who does not want love? Love of some sorts, details are not specific. Now, the point I actually wanted to get at it was this:

If you know not of love, this all encompassing, enrapturing feeling. How can you express that you have these passions within? To simply write them out, with no target in mind; is this not wasteful and fickle? To Proclaim one wants these things they have never felt for another, hell you don't even know if you'd like half of them, they only sound good in theory.

Is it wrong, then, to write what burns inside of you? Ha, it almost seems like a match.com ad. These are my burning issues! Are they compatible with yours? Single white male! etc etc, I digress, sometimes I try to be funny. And at the same time, because you have no one to share these feelings with specifically, should you not then throw them out to the world to see? Almost a beot: look at what I am and who you are missing out on!

Logically thinking, this just doesn't seem like it would work. Feelings of desire are for specific people, are they not? Not idealized versions you're hoping to stumble on to in life.

I'll end with that, as I already feel I'm rambling. Just a musing, as I said, I wonder what it must feel like to know of love?

Oh and you don't get away that easy, let me drop poetry on you too:

I give my words, my greatest gift
my heart more feeble than I care admit
But if love came knocking
I'd answer overwhelmed
Offer my own by the morning dawn
Only to realize, what good are words
when speaking to a dog.

Ooo angsty isn't it? No..I just felt mean. Better to take it out on an imaginary being =)



  1. heh. Well, I would argue that writing about one's feelings towards an idealized "object" are entirely normal and human. As humans we almost perpetually desire the things that we do not have, and even upon obtaining something that we wanted we begin to desire something better - something more idealized.

    We always bear with us an idealized version of what we truly want, and I see nothing wrong with writing what is truly in the heart. In a way, that is more truthful and honest than writing about what you know - for it is truly expressing our heart's desire, not merely describing the world as we see it at that moment.

  2. Insightful and eye opening as always Daniel. I love to hear another point of view to my own inner turmoil. Thank you for the ideas.
