Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I feel like I've been betrayed on every fucking angle possible. It's quite infuriating to know that a story has two sides, and yet for some reason no one cares to hear yours. People, people, people.

In blank verse. I won't speak of this again.

Closing my eyes I turned my back on Avalon
Let its stone gates shut for the last time
Full of beauty it was once so loved by me
But tragedy befell when spiteful hearts reached out
Took in hand the very winds and laid them with doubt
Spread lie and mix with rumor the manic girl I'd no idea
She's become a tumor.
A broken heart she claimed; as if I left her drowning in sand
Exaggerated, actually. Tis all that is. Sorry to disappoint,
But no hidden reasons are to blame.
It didn't work.
Get over it.
I faded to gray.
Funny still, you steered my Guinevere to betray.
I admit, I know not how you lie and manipulate, play victim
and slander.
For me, there's nothing left, my witching hour love walks away
I just assume she preferred the day.
My friend too you stole,
Same person, you know.
O' how I forget, that was ever your goal.
How can one not see this? Your intentional
Destructive response to mere
You win my dear! But it brings no happiness does it?
Misery your own doing, brought unto yourself
I was always there to help;
But a game you chose to play
Your voice drowns mine out
No way back, you've done the damage
Again I say, and implore you to listen:
Never was hurt from me intentional and
I admire your villainy most calculated.

Ughgh, I should be doing school work instead this. Shows you where my priorities are eh?


  1. Bah, school work is never as satisfying as writing. The outpour of feeling in this is pure and weighted. School work can wait..oh and hi.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So in this tragedy who are you? Arthur or Lancelot?

  4. Oh, I could never be Arthur. I'm far too human. Lancelot though, that's a character I could get behind. =) And hello to you both! My only follwers!

  5. Oh and Daniel, I couldn't post on your blog for some reason, but I too study Aikido, should you ever care to talk about it, feel free to hit me up.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yeah, I had it set so that you had to follow my blog to comment - but I changed it.

  8. And there isn't a means on your blog of contacting you. :-p I knew you did aikido, it's how I found the blog, but I didn't realize that you lived in Birmingham, heh.
