Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Everyone gets hit by the emo stick

Once in a while anyway. Not particularly proud of any of these works. I think most of them have a single line that has meaning or a particular choice of words I find attractive, otherwise they are trash. Enjoy the laughs!

you looked away
at that child
you go on.

you fell
accidental seduction
you go on.

you are ever close
forever far
you go on.

Never really finished that one. Kind of...too ambiguous for it's own good, yes?

Dream Dictionary

A dream dictionary I will define
and in it each scene
meticulously outlined
everyone can see
what happens to you
hey, even to me
in this dream dictionary
I could never fit upon all the lines

Cute huh?

Stand Down

An order not given,
god save the queen,
i, lone soldier have already seen

the tyrant beneath her veil
medusa put to shame
stoned i evade

i, lone soldier
keeper of the void
a darkness that could be destroyed

this gap would be filled at last
if only I
lone soldier,
would stand down in task.

Ever feel like you hold on to grief for an extended period of time that just ends up making you miserable and was pointless in the end? But for some reason you just won't let that shit go. I tried to liken it to a lone warrior, all of his companions fallen, the mission is failed, no way to succeed. But it is his duty to remain, or so he thinks. Regardless of what it brings. I told you they were emo. =)

And just one more, if I may? Haha, did ANYONE make it this far?

No explanation on this one. Make your own.

alas, what have you done?
leave me to the past.
ever the one you walked away from
can you not see the mistake?
intricate young girl, I want to know.
allowed to speak, how differently would this story be told?

So there you have it, a bit of insight into sadness from my point of view. Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not particularly mopey. I far prefer to write of the enchanting, and imaginative. I'll save those for other days though. Even I don't like everything I write, how could I possibly expect you to? Enjoy.

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