Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Take that Allen Ginsburg

God, internet back after two days is like an epic journey into Mordor, I swear.

I met someone.
Once. Twice?

We must have sat down
Alone, maybe.

She asked me,
so, what's your problem?
We didn't actually talk,
just passed the lotuses back and forth correctly.
That can be a problem sometimes, too.

I say drugs,
a bit vague
that's a true story sometimes too.
but a different occasion.

There was a lot of conjecture
between us
A lot of reaffirming
for ourselves.

No arguments, for it's a bit
of a secret
but the best speakers
are those who just

And I think we solved all the worlds problems,
for a moment at least the questions paused.

Then it led to another,
Where something else was wrong.
But a new light was shining,
no, not some beacon of hope.

Our eyes saw more clearly
that the path thought wrought so dreary
was just a path,
and nothing more elaborate.

Our own introspection was the lie of reality.

And looking back I saw a fork,
a turn we took at which
we had never even looked.

Then with the truth that is this moment...

to this.

Our journey ended,
and nothing had changed,
Neither ignorance nor bliss.

But something was gleaned
from the conversation
so different,
so silent, so loud.

I think the human voices woke us,
Now we drown.

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