Saturday, December 26, 2009

Whoa two in one day

I totally posted that other one way late last night, so it totally counts as posted yesterday. I'm on a Sylvia Plath kick. Asked for her unabridged journals for Christmas. Don't ask me if I actually got it or not. Confessional Poetry

Valentines Party

It must have been in second grade,
when Valentines gifts were no longer
mandatory made.
And we all sat in a circle
taking turns handing them out.
Nervous I waited and watched,
card after card went 'round the block.
Stephen got six.
(I remember he told me.)
And Shea got ten.
Preston was four,
and Tiffany seven.
It was Crystal, who actually got eleven!
Then it was done.
(I had already passed out to everyone)
But not a single card came round to me.
And I couldn't quite understand,
Twenty two kids and not one had thought of me.
As a child, I remember it clearly: I went home and cried.
As an adult, it never quite hit me,
just how much I died.